It’s the 6th World Shorebirds Day and it’s time to celebrate our beloved shorebirds and those who work hard to protect them or make us understanding these incredible birds better than ever.
Great Knot in Japan © Kasia Ganderska-Someya
While we are celebrating, our thoughts are with our friends in the Bahamas who are massively suffering from the aftermath of the category 5 Hurricane Dorian. The devastation is obvious. The hurricane destroyed everything including important shorebird sites as well. I still hope we hear from them soon.
It’s been quite a journey with all of you, the hundreds of supporters I virtually or in-person have met. We are having amazing support from the most unlikely corners of the world and it is encouraging and inspiring.
World Shorebirds Day is on target to meet its goals, especially with raising awareness about shorebird conservation and contributing to one of the largest citizen science program in the world. eBird has never been a better tool for birders and our community is constantly growing. Thanks to the Global Shorebird Counts, we could recruit new eBirders every year since it’s been launched.
We also celebrate together with the Manomet Centre for Conservation Sciences what turned 50 years old in August. The Manomet’s Shorebird Recovery Program team has an exciting celebration planned for World Shorebirds Day as they target to see and count 50 shorebird species. Manomet and WHSRN have been the first organisations welcomed and adopted World Shorebirds Day and widely promoted the Global Shorebird Counts across the Hemisphere. Read more about their celebration here.
These are extremely busy times for us and still, there is a lot to do with previous year’s data, but you will be able to see some updates on our brand new website (hopefully) in a few days.
Now all you have to do is to enjoy your coming weekend and head to your preferred shorebird (or wader) habitat and count shorebirds for your own pleasure and for our constant hunger for data to understand the effects of global changes.
A massive Thank You Everyone involved in this event.